Imperial Gardens 2010
Participation in the festival in 2010 was predetermined after our debut project became the winner of the competition in the nomination “Labyrinth-Symbol”. The 2010 festival was held under the auspices of the Year of France in Russia, and we were looking for a topic for work among the achievements of French culture. And impressionism was always interesting for its aesthetics, brightness of colors, ease of perception. An attempt to transfer his attitude to the park environment is a path that captivates with search, improvisation and creative business trips. Old wooden boats had to be searched all over the Leningrad region, from Kronstadt to Shlisselburg, and then the lost parts were restored and, of course, painted in bright colors. The choice of colors turned out to be the most difficult and controversial stage in the project. We changed the overall palette several times, going into more and more bold decisions in the spirit of French artists. We called the project “Belle epoque”. The composition participated in the nomination “Gardens of the Republic” and took second place.
Now participation in festivals for us is always a long-awaited event and an important inspiring stage at the beginning of each year. This is a great opportunity to work on a truly creative and independent topic, and really feel the long-awaited spring in the freshest colors and work in the most beautiful places in our city. Young nature, the long-awaited spring sun and the grandeur of Mikhailovsky Park.